Is ECOWAS on Track to Achieve the MALABO Declaration’s Hunger-Free Target 2025?

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Welcome to the Agric Journalist blog! Today, we shall discuss about a crucial topic that directly impacts the lives of millions in West Africa – ending hunger.

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has been diligently working towards achieving this goal through the Economic Community of West Africa Agricultural Policy (ECOWAP). But the question on everyone’s mind is, “Is ECOWAS on track to achieve the MALABO Declaration’s hunger-free target by 2025?” Let’s find out!

The MALABO Declaration set an ambitious target to end hunger and halve poverty in Africa by 2025

First things first, let’s get familiar with the Economic Community of West Africa Agricultural Policy (ECOWAP) and its ambitious mission. Back in 2005, ECOWAS adopted ECOWAP, outlining the principles and objectives related to the agricultural sector’s development in the region.

One of its primary goals is to ensure sustainable food security in the member states, offer decent remuneration for agricultural workers, and expand trade both within the region and beyond.

ECOWAP operates on three critical axes:

  1. Increasing Productivity and Competitiveness:

ECOWAP aims to boost agricultural productivity and competitiveness in West Africa. By investing in modern farming techniques, improved seeds, and efficient irrigation methods, the policy aims to maximize the agricultural potential of the region.

  1. Implementing a Regional Trade Regime:

To strengthen regional integration, ECOWAP emphasizes harmonizing national agricultural policies to exploit natural complementarities across countries. This regional trade regime helps facilitate the flow of agricultural goods, encouraging smoother trade within West Africa.

  1. Adapting Trade Relations with Other Countries:

ECOWAP also focuses on strengthening trade relations with countries outside the region. By establishing strong partnerships and trade agreements, West African agricultural products can find their way to international markets, opening up new growth opportunities.


The MALABO Declaration:

Now, let’s talk about the MALABO Declaration. In 2014, the African Heads of State and government appraised the progress of the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Program (CAADP), and this led to the adoption of the MALABO Declaration. Within this declaration, clear principles and targets were set from 2015 to 2025.

The MALABO Declaration set an ambitious target to end hunger and halve poverty in Africa by 2025. ECOWAS aligns its efforts with this broader African vision to contribute to reducing poverty and meeting the food needs of the West African population. Furthermore, it aims to achieve an average of 6% annual growth in the agriculture sector and allocate 10% of national budgets to the agricultural domain.


Now that we have clarity on ECOWAP and the MALABO Declaration 2014. We’ll delve into part 2 of this article where we address the burning question – is ECOWAS making headway towards achieving the MALABO Declaration’s hunger-free target by 2025?

Stay tuned to the Agric Journalist blog for more informative articles on agricultural policies in Africa.

Also read: Kwame Nkrumah’s State Farms: Ghana’s Agricultural Dream

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